Vkontakte Discord
News archive:
2022/05/02 23:17
New Guild Camp
There is a new type of free camp for Guilds.
To own the camp, you need to defeat the new world boss "Money Tree". The camp will go to the guild that caused the most total damage to the boss.
More detailed [information here].
2022/04/30 22:53
May holidays 2022
From May 1 to May 10 inclusive, the prices in the Control Panel for goods for Bonuses were reduced by 20%.
2022/04/30 22:48
Bonus-code for May 2022
It can be used by any character who has reached level 15, 1 time per account until the end of May 2022
Report it to the Courier of the delivery service in any capital.
2022/04/05 15:33
Bonus for daily entrance to the world
Each character that enters the world daily without "truancy" will automatically receive a daily bonus.
If there were no entries to the world in the past day, the bonus will not be available today.
2022/04/03 14:32
Bonus-code for April 2022
You can use it 1 time per account until the end of April 2022
Report it to the Courier of the delivery service in any capital.
2022/03/27 12:58
Bot Management Changes
Added auto-attack mode by bots to the selected target. The bot starts the attack as soon as the owner marks the desired mob.
Switching between targets occurs by selecting new targets. Additionally, it is not required to give a command to the tank or bots to start the attack.

This mode is enabled through the game menu and can be disabled arbitrarily for the duration of the raid.
2022/01/21 17:38
Changes in the voting system
If you vote daily without gaps, you will receive twice the amount of bonuses for each vote.
Update of the day synchronously with the update of the day on each rating site.

Thus, every day you can get 6 bonuses.
Double bonuses are summed up with all additional bonuses on events.
2022/01/18 14:23
Server crash compensation
Added compensation to all characters who were online at the time of server crashes.

Each of affected characters will receive 1 Bonus, several useful buffs and bonus rates for gold on completing quests.
Compensation will be activated at the next time then the affected character enters the world, valid for 1 hour, and is updated in case of another server crash.
Try to complete the maximum number of quests at this hour, for which the reward is in the form of gold.
2022/01/16 05:10
Game menu replacement
Added in-game command .menu opening the game menu at any time.

Game Menu in the form of an item has been removed from all characters.
2022/01/04 18:00
Game mail in Control Panel
Added viewing of game mail via Control Panel.

Access to view mail by icon in the Control Panel menu or in the list of characters on the page for detailed viewing of your character.
Messages viewed through the Control Panel do not change the status of the message in the game.
Currently implemented viewing, returning and deleting incoming messages or sending to the Auctioner to use attachments in the offline auction.

In case of any inconsistencies, we are waiting for messages in our discord channel.
2022/01/02 06:52
Auction in your Control Panel
Added a full-fledged auction to the Control Panel.

You can use all the functions of the auction if your account is offline or the sevrer is turned off.
Purchased goods, canceled lots and overdue bids are delivered to the post office and stored there for a month.

In case of any inconsistencies, we are waiting for messages in our discord channel.
2021/12/20 18:30
Server's core changed
Completed server core migration from version TrinityCore to AzerothCore v.4.0.

The server databases were fully synchronized. No failures, losses or other troubles were revealed during the closed testing.
All add-ons and proprietary developments are adapted to the new core and function normally.

In case of any inconsistencies, we are waiting for messages in our discord channel.
2021/12/12 16:00
Getting a premium account menu in the client
Added in-game command .prem to receive a lost premium menu at any time.

Getting the menu through the Control Panel is also saved for some time.
2021/12/01 10:00
New functions in the Control Panel
New features have been added to the CP:

• inspecting your characters in more detail: professions, quests, the contents of the bank, bags, the contents of slots;
• search and inspection of characters on the entire server;
• function of fixing a buggy or stuck character;
2021/11/18 19:30
Access to the auction through the website
Access to the auction content has been added to the personal account.

Only viewing and searching of lots is available.
2021/04/06 14:27
Changed Cooldown reset time
A game day will start at 04:00 server time.

Cooldown reset time has been changed (updating raid instances and heroic dungeons).
The update for 10, 25 and 40 player raid instances is set at 04:00 on Wednesdays.
Karazhan, Zul'Gurub, Zul'Alman - every 3 days at 04:00.
Guild Houses Auction - on Fridays at 04:00.

Also, at 04:00, the following will be updated daily:
• heroic level 80 dungeons;
• daily quests;
• receiving emblems of ice, triumph, etc.;
• withdrawal limits from Guild banks;
• the duration of the Premium account status.
2021/03/26 10:00
Testing the bot system
26.03.2021 from 11:00 Moscow time the main server will be unavailable.

Instead, a test server was launched with a new system of bots for testing by players.

The base is fully synchronized. All characters will appear on the test server as of 11:00 am 03/26/2021.

All reviews and comments write to Discord in the # test bots channel https://discord.gg/45ccbYwaja

Instructions and commands for managing bots, implemented so far, can be found in this channel in a pinned message.
2021/03/20 03:25
Weekly quests "for 5 Frost"
Archmage Lan'dalock for completing the weekly quests "Victory trophy: <...>" grants an additional 1 Sack of Frosty Treasures.
2021/03/19 16:10
Daily quests
Archmage Lan'dalock and Archmage Timear now grant a random Emblem of Triumph quest.
• Number of Emblems of Triumph increased to 5
• Added the item Abandoned Traveler's Bag
2021/03/19 10:21
The Culling of Stratholme
In the Chromie's dialogue at the entrance to the dungeon, an item has been added that allows you to skip Arthas' intro and teleports the whole group to the city.
2020/02/29 15:28
Maintenance work.
On March 2, 2020 (Monday) in the morning from 7:00 to 12:00, server and site shutdowns are possible due to maintenance work on the server machine.
2019/12/24 19:36
Added Solo mode for passing dungeons.
In the Solo passage mode in the dungeons, all mobs are weakened by 5 times. If your character is strong enough and you are experienced enough,
you don’t have to gather a group anymore to go through the dungeon ещ пуе the "Ice" or "Forge-Pit-Halls" on the quest.
Just open the premium menu and turn on Solo mode for dungeons.

When Solo mode is enabled, it is impossible to join a group of other players, or create a new one.
2019/09/26 22:02
Changes at Flight Masters.
To all flight managers a flight mode switching point has been added: using transport or an instant teleport to the selected point.
2019/07/15 00:03
The authorization system on the site has been improved.
For account security purposes, a two-stage authorization through "Vkontakte" for managing characters through a personal account has been improved.
We recommend everyone to bind (in the absence of difficulties with access to this social network).
2019/07/02 17:43
ICC Updated.
To facilitate the passage of the ICC by interfactional groups, the battle stage on ships has been reworked.
2019/06/07 10:00
In the period from 12:00 on June 7 to 07:00 on June 10 in the game world you will have a three-day promotion:
The whole bonus experience on the Premium account is increased to x2;
In the premium menu added the ability to ride on a rare mount;
Gold reward for completing quests doubled;
In a jackpot with some chance added armor, accessories and weapons of level 219-251;
When replenishing Bonuses through Control Panel, an additional +30% Bonuses are charged.
2019/05/22 9:55
Adjusted additional bosses in Guild Camps.
Boss weakened Shadow of Marrogwar, Bone spike and Ice Flames given the lack of the "Wrynn's Force" effect in the Camps.
Added Boss Shadow of Jaraxus with a drop of 2-3 items from ICC-10 (normal mode).
2019/05/14 10:47
Changed the drop in the "guild bosses"
Added drop 2-3 items from ICC 10 (normal mode) to all additional bosses in the territories of the Guild zones.
2019/05/14 10:26
Added Guild Camps
Guild Camp is a simplified version of the Guild Mansion. After buying, any Camp comes into the possession of the guild for any period and can be sold for 50% of the cost before acquiring a new one or for some other reason.
Every day the guild has the opportunity to fight the boss of the Camp with a guaranteed receipt of 2 Emblems of Ice and items from Trial Of The Crusader, as well as arbitrarily summon additional bosses.
2019/05/02 15:03
Launched beta version AUCTION OF GUILD HOUSES
The guild house is a mansion in a separate world, the whole environment and the staff of which belongs to the guild. Access of strangers to the possession of the Guild is not possible. After the auction, the Mansion for 1 week goes into the possession of the guild that made the highest bid.
Every day the guild has the opportunity to fight with the boss - the keeper of the mansion.
2019/04/05 18:25
Updated list of TOPs for voting
The topg.org voting link has been added to the list of top voting sites (TOPs). Interval for a vote is 12 hours, which will give you +2 bonuses daily.
2019/04/04 15:05
Non-working TOPs are disabled.
Disabled links for voting on mmovote and mc_monitoring. The administration of mmovote has ceased to maintain its resource, and with mc_monitoring - there was not a single transition in a month.
2019/04/01 14:35
Night mode for bonus experience
Added night mode for bonus experience: from 23:00 to 07:00 every day, the experience gained by your characters increases by 50%.
2019/03/24 12:02
Improved mail system
Improved interaction of the mail system with the auction.
2019/03/23 21:27
Changes on receiving the prize
Upon receipt of a new level by characters instead of bags with dubious things are now issued the Emblem of Triumph and the Emblem of Ice, for which no free space is required in the inventory at the time of receiving the prize. To all characters who have pumped up the levels before replacing the prize - the missing number of emblems was sent by mail in accordance with the level at the time of the system changes.
2019/03/15 21:27
Premium Status service added
In the "Services" section of Control Panel, the "Premium Status" service is added, giving an additional bonus of + 50% to experience for 1 day (until the update of dungeons at 7:00 Moscow time daily), access to vendor, auction and other useful NPC. Activation cost - 1 bonus. Detailed description in the FAQ.
2019/03/13 11:29
Domain Name Change
During the period from 13 to 23 March 2019 the server domain name will be changed.
The former name of Britless.Ru will be changed to Andarius.Ru.
During this period, both names will work in parallel mode. You can use the Control panel either through the former or through the new name of the site. All voting links are relevant to both domains.
March 23 access to Britless.ru will be disabled.
If you have questions or difficulties, you should contact technical support.
2019/03/08 06:01
Happy holiday, dear ladies!
Administration Andarius.Ru heartily congratulates all the ladies on MARCH 8 !
We wish you a great mood, easy hunting and a good drop!
In honor of the holiday, every female character was sent a gift by the mail.
Enjoy the game!
2019/03/06 06:31
Quest update
Fixed ruRU localization of quests in locations: Moonglade, Darnassus, Orgrimmar, Aubardin, Ashenvale, Crossroads, Mulgore, Fortress of Courage.
2019/03/06 04:15
Maintenance work
Preventive work. Kernel update. Estimated duration is 05:00 03/06/2019.
2019/03/03 08:43
Maintenance work
Preventive work with characters. Estimated duration until 10:00 03/03/2019.
2019/03/01 18:01
Server started
Server started successfully at scheduled time. All accounts accrued bonuses for activity during the test period.
All characters created in the first hour after starting the server will automatically receive level 15 and family accessories. Have time!
2019/03/01 11:38
Server start will take place 01.03.2019 в 18:00 Moscow time.
Many thanks to all the players who took part in the testing! As a result of participation in the beta test, all Bonuses will be awarded in full both for voting and for the time allotted. Server will not be available 17:00 - 18:00.
2019/03/01 07:51
Game world updates
Supplemented by the scenario of the passage of the dungeon "Pit of Saron".
Added the plot to the final part of the last boss with the appearance of Sindraghossa. Added script quest NPC.
2019/02/27 16:01
Game world updates
Fix the dungeon "Stone of Halls".
Brann Bronzebeard receives all the information provided by the client and the voiced information, after which he goes to open the door to Sinyonir the Foundryman.
Andarius.ru © 2018-2025 PC version
Server time: 16-02-2025 19:56:46