Reference Information
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Detailed description of the Guild Mansions and Camps System [Click]
Every weekend, the bonus gain experience: + 50%. It is activated on the night from Friday to Saturday and is valid until Monday.
At night, the bonus experience is activated from 23:00 to 07:00 daily.
The required number of petition signatures to create a guild: 1
The maximum number of professions for each character: 4
Chances for training professional skills:
- Orange = 100%
- Yellow = 50%
- Green = 25%
- Gray = 0%
Options for chat and mail:
- Message spacing of less than 1 second is considered spam.
- Spam message counter blocks chat for 5 minutes when it reaches 10 spam messages in a row.
- When you first enter the world during the first hour (or before reaching level 15), a character can send messages only to guild or group chat. Sending mail is available only from level 15.
Refined rates:
- Monster Farm Experience: x5
- Experience for quests: x5
- Experience for opening cards: x5
- Experience for craft (pumping professions): x5
- Оexperience for collecting (pumping occupations): x5
- Honor on BG: x1
- Reputation with factions x3 (Reputation rises automatically with each new level.)
- Character movement speed: +10%
- Drop simple things: x1
- Drop ordinary things: x5
- Drop good things: x5
- Drop rare things: x3
- Drop epic, legendary things and artifacts: x1
- Drop gold: x5
Maximum points:
- Honor Points: 75000
- Arena Points: 10000
Mail delivery time with attachments: 10 minutes
Number of entrances to dungeons within one hour: 10
Available commands:
- .menu - game menu
- .help - command reference
- .dismount - dismount
- .account lock - bind an account to IP or geographically
- .account password - change account password
- .server info - server operation information
- .server motd - message of the day
- .gm ingame - GM's online list
In case of relogin (client crash) at the moment the character enters the world, a message appears:
- means that your client did not have time to send out data, and the server is completing your session: saving the character, disconnecting from the server (usual 20 seconds).
After this time, you will be able to re-enter the world with this character.
Premium Status Information:
You can get Premium Status for 1 bonus!
Premium status gives a number of additional features for your account:
. Additional experience + 50%;
. Access to a vendor, mail, auctioneer, banker and class teacher;
. The ability to straddle an additional mount at any time;
. Change appearance (polymorph);
Premium status is valid for one day from the moment of activation until the next game day (04:00 server time daily)
Activation of Premium status is done through Premium Account Menu, which you can find in your character's inventory or restore through by .prem command or via the website at any time .
Bonuses from Premium status for all characters in your account are established from the moment of activation .